Eric J. Bohm
Senior Scientist
Senior Scientist, and Principal Investigator, Mr. Eric Bohm leads development of the Charmworks versions of Charm++, AMPI, and Quinoa. Prior to joining PPL at UIUC, he began his software industry experience in Latpon Corporation. The success of that company, and its antecedents resulted in a chain of acquisitions by larger firms, over the course of 8 years, ending in WebMD. He combines this history of experience in industry, with over a decade of experience in academic HPC, to guide development of ExORun, Charm++, and AMPI at Charmworks in an industry-oriented way.
B.S. Computer Science, May 1992, State University of New York at Buffalo, New York, USA
Research and Professional Experience
Senior Scientist: Charmworks, Inc.: Feb 2014—present
Senior Research Programmer: Univ. Illinois Urbana-Champaign: July 2008—present
Research Programmer: Univ. Illinois Urbana-Champaign: Nov 2003—July 2008
Application Architect: WebMD Corporation: 1999—2001
Enterprise Application Architect: MEDE America Corporation: 1996—1999
Director of National Software Development: Latpon R&D Corporation: 1995—1996
Director of Software Development: Latpon Corporation: 1992—1995
Professional Societies and Activities (past 5 years)
Member: ACM
Research Interests
Extremely Scalable Parallel Programming
Computational Science and Engineering
Parallel Discrete Event Simulation
Parallel Performance Prediction
Irregular Parallel Problems
Network Architecture
Molecular Dynamics
Quantum Chemistry
Relevant Publications
Jae-Seung Yeom, Abhinav Bhatele, Keith Bisset, Eric Bohm, Abhishek Gupta, Laxmikant Kale, Madhav Marathe, Dimitrios Nikolopoulos, Martin Schulz, Lukasz Wesolowski, ”Overcoming the Scalability Challenges of Epidemic Simulations on Blue Waters”, in Proceedings of the IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, IPDPS ’14, 2014
Minjung Kim, Subhasish Mandal, Eric Mikida, Kavitha Chandrasekar, Eric Bohm, Nikhil Jain, Qi Li, Glenn Martyna, Laxmikant Kale, Sohrab Ismail-Beigi “Scalable GW software for quasiparticle properties using OpenAtom.”. Computer Physics Communications. Volume 244, November 2019, Pages 427-441
Nikhil Jain, Eric Bohm, Eric Mikida, Subhasish Mandal, Mijung Kim, Prateek Jindal, Qi Li, Sohrab Ismail-Beigi, Glenn Martyna, Laxmikant Kale. “OpenAtom: Scalable Ab-Initio Molecular Dynamics with Diverse Capabilities.” ISC High Performance 2016: High Performance Computing. pp 139-158.
James C. Phillips, Yanhua Sun, Nikhil Jain, Eric J. Bohm, Laximant V. Kale “Mapping to Irregular Torus Topologies and Other Techniques for Petascale Biomolecular Simulation”, in Proceedings of ACM/IEEE SC 2014
Laxmikant Kale, Osman Sarood, Eric Bohm, Nikhil Jain, Akhil Langer, Esteban Meneses, “Position Paper: Actionable Performance Modeling for Future Supercomputers”, in MODSIM 2013, 2013
Abhinav Bhatele, Lukasz Wesolowski, Eric Bohm, Edgar Solomonik, Laxmikant V. Kale, “Understanding application performance via micro-benchmarks on three large supercom- puters: Intrepid, Ranger and Jaguar”, International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications (IJHPCA), November 2010 vol. 24 no. 4, pg 411-427 Eric Bohm, Abhinav Bhatele,
Laxmikant V. Kale, Mark E. Tuckerman, Sameer Kumar, John A. Gunnels and Glenn J. Martyna, “Fine grained parallelization of the Car-Parrinello ab initio MD method on Blue Gene/L”, in IBM Journal of Research and Development: Applications of Massively Parallel Systems, Volume 52, 1/2, 159-174, 2008.
Laxmikant V. Kale, Eric Bohm, Celso L. Mendes, Terry Wilmarth, Gengbin Zheng, “Programming Petascale Applications with Charm++ and AMPI.”, in Petascale Computing: Algorithms and Applications, pg 421-441, Chapman & Hall / CRC Press, ed D. Bader, 2004.
Nilesh Choudhury, Yogesh Mehta, Terry L. Wilmarth, Eric J. Bohm and Laxmikant V. Kale, “Scaling an Optimistic Parallel Simulation of Large-scale Interconnection Networks”, in Proc. of the Winter Simulation Conference, 2005.
Synergistic Activities
Collaborative development of CharmSimdemics, a framework for the simulation of contagion effects in social networks, especially disease propagation in human populations.
Principle Investigator of the AMPI project at Charmworks. This project is modifying the AMPI++ framework to improve its quality and suitability for use in industry and other commercial contexts. The prior phase of this work included participation in the NSF I-Corps program, and directing a team in the analysis and improvement of the Charm++ runtime system source code.
Principle Investigator of the commercialization effort for Quinoa a highly scalable CFD engine, as part of a new collaboration between Charmworks, Inc. and Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Principle Investigator of the ExORun project. ExORun is a new effort to extend the dynamic load balancing capabilities of Charm++ to exascale, and to make those features accessible to MPI programs via a library based application programming interfaces
Assisting in development of Charm++ and AMPI, parallel programming systems used as research tools in Science and Engineering. Charm++ includes an adaptive runtime system that supports dynamic load balancing strategies, fault tolerant protocols, automatic communication optimizations and libraries. It also includes Projections, an effective parallel performance analysis system.
Leading development of OpenAtom, a highly scalable Car-Parrinello ab initio molecular dynamics application. Currently designing the integration of GW-BSE methods to support accurate simulations of system with excited electron states.
Collaborative development of NAMD a parallel program for biomolecular simulations used by a large number of researchers in biophysics and chemistry.
Collaborative development of POSE, a framework for parallel discrete event simulation.
Prior to academia, he led commercial software development teams for many projects at WebMD, MedE America, and Latpon corporations.